The history and role of the ABS’ Family, Sexual and Domestic Violence Programme, and ABS products for the sector.
The impacts, prevalence and support needs of women and children experiencing separation, inter-parental conflict, and family and domestic violence
A report on the strong association between brain injury and family violence and significant gaps in service responses
Key stats on the prevalence of violence that emerged from the Personal Safety Survey, 2016
Workshop that provides an opportunity to consider holistic approaches to women’s needs, and to build skills to respond effectively to women with
The PowerPoint presentation from the Money, love and financial abuse session at ANROWS conference, focusing on the relations between women, money
Liz Price's presentation in the Domestic Violence, Contraception and Pregnancy session, focusing on data trends on reproductive coercion.
Jackie Burke's PowerPoint presentation from the Service Provision in Complex Contexts session, focusing on managing vicarious trauma and burnout.
Dr Michael Salter's PowerPoint presentation from the Service Provision in Complex Contexts session, focusing on complex trauma.
PowerPoint presentation from the Services Meet the Needs of Women & their Children session, focusing on perpetrator interventions.