Kim Webster

National Community Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women Survey, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) Kim

Professor JaneMaree Maher

Monash University JaneMaree Maher is Professor in the Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research and joint Program Lead in the Gender

Susan Arthur

Self Advocate at Reinforce Reinforce is a self advocacy organization for people with an intellectual disability. Reinforce is run by and for

Andrew Taukolo

YFS Ltd Andrew Taukolo is a R4Respect Ambassador and a Case Manager for the Youthlink Program at YFS Ltd. R4Respect is a domestic violence

Dr Jasmine McGowan

Research Manager for the Monash Gender and Family Violence: New Frameworks in Prevention Program Dr Jasmine McGowan is the Research Manager for

Corina Martin

CEO, Aboriginal Family Law Services, WA Corina Martin is a Mulgyin Jaru/Kitja and Gooniyandi woman born and raised in Broome Western Australia.

Meredith Lea

Senior Policy Officer, People with Disability Australia Meredith Lea is a Senior Policy Officer at People with Disability Australia (PWDA),

Dr Elizabeth Conroy

Research Fellow at the Translational Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University Dr Conroy is a Research Fellow at the Translational

Erin Davis

Policy Advisor, Domestic Violence Victoria Erin is a Policy Advisor at Domestic Violence Victoria – the state peak body for specialist family