Join the 2022 ANROWS Conference to be a part of the national conversation about the violence against women and children evidence base and how it will inform contemporary policy priorities moving forward.
The 2022 ANROWS National Research Conference, “On the Agenda”, explores evidence to inform contemporary policy priorities addressing violence against women and their children. It will enhance understanding of how evidence is and should be used to address policy priorities, as well as acknowledging and fostering the importance of partnerships in producing and disseminating the evidence to reduce violence against women and children.
You will hear from ANROWS, national and international researchers and other leading experts who will share what we are learning from the evidence base. There will also be opportunities for policymakers, practice designers, peak bodies, practitioners and researchers to connect and collaborate with each other while unpacking the evidence and reflecting on how it does or could inform policy and practice.
Spread over four days, this online conference will be structured around research and policy priority topics. The conference allows for flexible attendance and provides accessible features and new ways to engage both with the content and with peers. With a forward-looking focus, this conference will provide a fresh perspective on how to harness the expansive global VAW knowledge base and move ever closer to ending violence against women and children.

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